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We will refine the power of materials and beyond.

Sumitomo Riko‘s core competence is the foundation of the development of products to meet the needs of customers. Polymer Materials Technology to create high performance raw materials based on „compound“, „synthesis“, and „modification“ and Comprehensive Evaluation Technology to conduct in-house evaluations and assessments of the required performance and reliability of products.

These two strengths are not only used to expand existing business, but also actively advance business development in new markets and fields.


Leading the way for future mobility by innovation

We aim to create the ideal car-oriented society.

The automotive industry is currently facing a once-in-a-100-year paradigm shift, and the key is “CASE” or “Connected”, “Autonomous”, “Shared & Services”, and “Electric”. We are helping to accelerate the advancement of CASE. However, there is an ideal car-oriented society in the future which we, the automotive industry aims to create.

We aim to create and provide value.

Since our founding in 1929, the Sumitomo Riko Group has supported the automotive industry through the development of its anti-vibration rubber and hoses. As the world moves towards the development of the next generation of mobility, we will further develop technology and contribute to society from a safety, comfort, and environmental viewpoint, particularly centered around the “Autonomous” and “Electric” fields of CASE.

Our contribution to CASE mobility >




Working on future polymer products & use cases

Innovative technologies based on polymer materials support applications in many areas of life. Our daily progress in development continues to open new potential for use cases in many areas of life. They make the future more pleasant, safer, and more sustainable for everyone.



Global innovation power for customer orientated applications

The global development network of the Sumitomo Riko Group brings innovative solutions to customers in regions around the world without delay. Our global footprint of interconnected R&D centers ensure the development of applications that are tailored to the respective markets and optimally meet the customers’ requirements.

The Research Center in Komaki, Japan, bundles all competencies and conducts research on materials and applications that contribute to the future success of our customers. Global project management, central administration of knowledge and patents, and a powerful IT infrastructure ensure the smooth and targeted cooperation of all worldwide resources.

Overview of Sumitomo Riko´s development network >